Industrial technologies for a healthy planet.

Green Swans is a climate technology company dedicated to identifying and commercializing visionary technologies for a green, clean world.

Breakthrough climate technologies to propel the global climate economy.

Revolutionizing the commercialization of climate technologies.

Our founding team has led or built 22 companies in industrial manufacturing, software and technology, and industrial process automation.

Our rigorous proprietary process identifies technologies that have unique merits and the ability to be applied in new ways across industries.

We believe in identifying and commercializing climate technologies that can stand on their own, generate revenue, and drive profits.

Building better, together.

Fill out the form below or email the GreenSwans team directly at for more information.

Industrial technologies for a healthy planet.

Green Swans is a climate technology company dedicated to identifying and commercializing visionary technologies for a green, clean world.

Breakthrough climate technologies to propel the global climate economy.

Revolutionizing the commercialization of climate technologies.

Our founding team has led or built 22 companies in industrial manufacturing, software and technology, and industrial process automation.

Our rigorous proprietary process identifies technologies that have unique merits and the ability to be applied in new ways across industries.

We believe in identifying and commercializing climate technologies that can stand on their own, generate revenue, and drive profits.

Building better, together.

Fill out the form below or email the GreenSwans team directly at for more information.

Get in touch

Join us on our journey to generate wealth and planetary health.